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Spring Boot + JPA + MySQL + AWS

Watch me build a resume portal application that allows editing and publishing of an HTML resume with a choice of themes, backed by a MySQL database backend and Spring Security for user login and deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Course curriculum

    1. What we'll be building

    2. How to access the completed code

    1. Choosing dependencies in Spring Initializr

    2. Running and logging in with generated user

    3. Creating User entity and repository

    4. Mapping User Details Service for Spring Security

    5. Spring Security web configuration

    6. Testing and wrapping up Spring Security

    1. Adding a profile view path and template

    2. Adding resume profile template alternatives

    3. Profile HTML links

    4. Choosing template based on user

    5. Displaying profile sumary in the template

    6. Creating a list of job experience and populating them

    7. Adding and displaying more profile fields

    8. Implementing basic fields in all templates

    9. Fixing issue with initializing experience data

    10. Displaying user experience list in the profile

    11. Adding present job indicator and fixing issues with template

    12. Displaying formatted dates in the response

    13. Listing job responsibilities in the experience section

    14. Listing Education information in the profile

    15. Displaying skills and wrapping up profile template

    1. Setting up the profile edit controller path

    2. Fetching user data to pepopulate the form

    3. Setting form inputs with prefilled values

    4. Adding other form inputs and using Bootstrap

    5. Displaying a list of inputs in a form

    6. Fixing date input formatting and adding table headers

    7. Adding education and skills inputs to the form

    8. Getting save functionality with form post

    9. Adding theme selection and sumary controls

    10. Functionality to add new jobs, education and skills

    11. Allowing delete for jobs, education and skills

    12. Adding edit link for current user's profile

    13. Adding welcome page and removing db init code

    1. Creating an AWS Beanstalk instance

    2. Updating the app to connect to MySQL

    3. Fixing DB issues and wrapping up

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content