Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Unit Introduction

    3. What is JavaScript?

    4. JavaScript as a scripting language

    5. Why learn JavaScript?

    6. Some thoughts on learning JavaScript

    7. Brief History of JavaScript

    8. Setting up our Development Environment

    1. Variable Declaration

    2. Number Primitive Type

    3. String and Boolean

    4. Understanding undefined

    5. Understanding null

    6. Difference between undefined and null

    7. Types summary

    8. The typeof operator

    9. Type Coercion and the === operator

    10. Type Coercion Summary

    1. Objects

    2. The Object Literal

    3. Object Characteristics Summary

    4. The dot and bracket notations

    5. Difference between dot and bracket notations

    6. Nested Objects

    7. Revisiting === for objects

    8. Revisiting undefined vs null for objects

    9. Deleting attributes with the delete operator

    10. Introducing Arrays

    11. The Secret behind JavaScript Arrays

    12. Wrapper Objects

    1. Introduction to Functions

    2. Flexible argument counts

    3. Return Values

    4. Function Expressions

    5. Anonymous Function Expressions

    6. Functions as arguments

    7. Functions on Objects

    8. Understanding the this keyword

    9. Code Exercise

    10. Exercise Solution

    11. Default function arguments

    12. Unit Summary

    1. Array Methods

    2. Array for each Method

    3. Reading Assignment

    4. Next Steps

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  • Free
  • 46 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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