Course curriculum
Bootcamp Objective
Bootcamp Logistics
Audience Q&A
What does a Java backend engineer do?
The three tier architecture
The CDN and how it works
The REST API request flow
Audience Q&A on REST and HTTP
Cookies and sessions with HTTP
Essential tools of the trade
Audience Q&A on app servers
Source control
Introducing the GitHub workflow
Audience Q&A on GitHub
Audience QA on SSR
Understanding the GitHub workflow
Data Types
Wrapper classes
Hands-on exercises
Inheritance and polymorphism
The static keyword
Why is main static?
Static vs instance methods
Nested classes
Inner class types
Audience Q&A
Collections overview
Equality and the equals method
Rules for equality
Walkthrough of an equals implementation
Hashing and hash codes
Equality and hash codes
Hands-on exercise
Time complexity
Space complexity and tradeoffs
Comparator and Comparable
The iterator pattern
Fail fast iterators
The Collection interface hierarchy
The List interface
Amortized time complexity
Autoboxing with Lists
List iterators
Equals with List objects
The Set interface
HashSet load factor and capacity
SortedSet and TreeSet
TreeSet exercise
The Map interface
The Queue interface
The Deque interface
Collections utility methods
1 Functional programming in Java
2 What is functional programming_
3 Functions vs methods
4 Limitations of Object Oriented Programming
5 First class functions
6 Introducing Lambda expressions
7 Lambda expression examples
8 Recommendation and Q&A
9 Functional interfaces
10 Typing lambdas with interfaces
11 Why Single Abstract Method_
12 Lambda hands-on coding
13 Interface typing, not SAM typing
14 Revisiting the task example with lambdas
15 The FunctionalInterface annotation
16 Lambda code demo
17 Lambdas vs anonymous classes
18 The interface overhead of lambdas
19 JDK functional interfaces
20 The Function interface
21 Consumer, Supplier and Predicate
22 JDK functional interfaces hands-on
23 Function arity
24 Operator interfaces
25 Method references
26 Method reference examples
27 Method references hands-on
28 Lambda calling lambdas calling lambdas
29 Composability with andThen and compose
30 Closures in Java
31 Pure functions
32 What are streams_
33 Declarative model
34 Stream API characteristics
35 The assembly line analogy
36 Streams code demo
37 Other ways to create streams
38 The toList method
39 Three key elements in Streams API
40 Streams vs collections
41 Limit and filter operators
42 The map operator
43 The peek operator and debugging
44 The effect of terminal operations
45 distinct and sorted operators
46 Concatenating streams
47 Working with object streams
A typical Java project needs
How Maven helps
Project management with Maven
Convention over configuration
The Project Object Model
Audience question about classpath
Creating a Maven project in IntelliJ
Examining pom.xml
Maven project coordinates
Running Maven targets
Dependency Management
Maven repositories
Fetching a dependency from Maven Central
Dependency Scopes
Maven Versioning
Maven Plugins and Goals
Building the time tracker app
Outlining the CLI experience
Designing the data structures
Coding start and stop tasks
Accepting CLI arguments
Setting up and running start task
Refactor argument processing
Switching to the new parser
Running and troubleshooting
Saving task information to file
Refactoring all file related code into FilesUtil
Add reporting for tasks
Report categories
Wrap up

About this course
- Free
- 175 lessons
- 21 hours of video content