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Course curriculum

    1. Agenda

    2. Roadmap and disclaimer

    1. Arrays - the basic collection

    2. The problem with arrays

    3. The different collection needs

    4. Collection Types

    5. Examining the ArrayList

    1. The Big O Notation

    2. Linear Time

    3. Constant Time

    4. Logarithmic Time

    5. Quadratic time

    6. How Big O matters

    1. How iterators work

    2. Using iterators

    3. Iterators vs for-each loop

    1. Equality in Object Oriented Programming

    2. Hashing and hashcodes

    3. hashCode in Java

    4. Object ordering

    5. The comparable interface

    6. Sorting Comparable implemetations

    7. Custom Comparators

    1. The Collection Interface

    2. The Collection method types

    3. Things to remember

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content