Course curriculum

    1. What is Java?

    2. What are the characteristics of Java?

    3. What is JVM?

    4. What is JRE?

    5. What is JDK?

    6. What is Java byte code?

    7. What is the difference between path and classpath?

    8. What is the difference between sourcepath and classpath?

    1. What are the different memory areas allocated by the JVM?

    2. What's the difference between permgen and metaspace?

    3. What is garbage collection?

    4. What is JIT compilation?

    5. How and why do you configure heap space in Java?

    6. How and why do you configure stack size in Java?

    7. What is a classloader?

    8. What are the different types of classloaders?

    1. What is public static void main and what happens if I switch order?

    2. Can you execute code before the main method runs?

    3. What's the difference betwen break and continue?

    4. What's the difference between float and double?

    5. Why would you need a break in a switch statement?

    6. What are the primitive types in Java?

    7. Explain default value behavior of local variables

    8. Can a double be cast to a byte?

    9. Can a byte be cast to a double?

    10. How do you break from a nested loop?

    1. What are the different access modifiers in Java?

    2. What are the different scope types for Java variables?

    3. What is static and the static modifier?

    4. Is Java pass by value or pass by reference?

    5. What is the initial value of instance variables?

    6. How does a constructor work?

    7. How does constructor overloading work?

    8. What is the copy constructor pattern?

    9. What is the this keyword and when is it used?

    10. What is constructor chaining?

    11. What are wrapper classes?

    12. What is autoboxing and unbosing?

    13. What is the singleton pattern and how do you implement it in Java?

    14. What is a final keyword and when is it used?

    15. What is encapsulation?

    16. What is abstraction?

    17. What are marker interfaces?

    1. What is method overriding?

    2. What is the superclass of all classes?

    3. What is the difference between == and equals() method?

    4. Whats the difference between overloading and overriding?

    5. Can static methods be overriden in Java?

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 50 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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